Southeastern District Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
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Congregational Wellness

Welcome to the Southeastern District Congregational Wellness webpage!

The SED is committed to empowering congregational wellness, enabling churches to be more effective in their mission of connecting people to Jesus so that lives are transformed and God’s Kingdom grows. As part of our focus, we are excited to introduce the SIMPLE Congregational Well-being Assessment Tool in the Fall of 2023.

SIMPLE is a user-friendly assessment tool designed to measure the well-being of your congregation across six key dimensions:

  1. Spiritual vitality
  2. Impact
  3. Managing Emotions
  4. Purpose
  5. Life-giving relationships
  6. Engagement

By utilizing the SIMPLE assessment tool, the SED’s goal is to help your ministry easily evaluate your congregation’s well-being, identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.  It aims to facilitate self-reflection, promote dialogue, and guide strategic planning for the holistic development of your congregation.

Rooted in the foundational principles of Acts 2:42-47, the SIMPLE tool reminds us of the early Christian community’s devotion to teaching, fellowship, worship, sharing, and transformative unity.  With SIMPLE, your congregation can emulate these principles, journeying together towards greater well-being and spiritual flourishing.

Join us as we embark on this exciting journey of congregational wellness.  Together, let’s build thriving communities that make a lasting impact for Christ.

Planning in time for “You”

Last December I finished my Master’s Degree in Pastoral Counseling. As I attained that degree, I was taken aback by one of the courses that talked in-depth about time management.

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Practical Grief

The words written here about grief come from a good bit of training and reading about the subject but mainly from years of experience, my own and that experienced with

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Discerning Your Mission Field

Discerning Your Mission Field “…Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest.” (John 4:35)In Rivertown, a dwindling

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