Specific Ministry Pastor Program

A four-year distance education program that prepares men for ministry in The LCMS
Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) Program

The Specific Ministry Pastor Program is a specialized theological education program that is offered by both Concordia Seminary – St. Louis and Concordia Theological Seminary – Fort Wayne.  Both programs are state of the art distance learning programs that prepare students for specific pastoral ministry within the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.

While program participants take classes online through one of the two seminaries, they work closely with a local pastor and mentor as part of the overall educational experience.  Candidates for the SMP Program are nominated and supported by their local congregation with the goal that the candidate then serves that congregation.

For more information, please visit the links below to learn more about what each program has to offer:

Concordia – St. Louis SMP Prorgram

Concordia Theological Seminary – Fort Wayne SMP Program

Additional Documents:

SMP Partnership Covenant

SMP Application