Southeastern District Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
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Blog: Covid, Flu, and Sickness Fall 2023

Covid, Flu, and Sickness in General 

As the seasons change, messaging about flu and Covid-19 vaccines increases. Many people take advantage of these opportunities in an effort to protect the God-given gift we have which is our bodies. Those who have had to deal with their own health issues are keenly aware that the Great Physician very regularly works through the field of medicine and the like. But while many will seek vaccines this fall and winter to rightly protect their own well-being, in a recent video chat with Nancy Boriack, USAF Colonel (Retired), microbiologist, and member of Prince of Peace, Springfield, VA, she suggested yet another reason to consider such vaccinations. “As we look to prevent disease,” we are not only helping ourselves, but we are “serving the least of these.” She connects vaccines, facemasks, and staying home when sick to protecting those in our society for whom a paid sick day is not available or whose health is more fragile than our own. She suggested that we consider these actions simply as “acts of love” and in so doing bear witness to the love which Christ shows us. Did you know that the new Covid-19 vaccine will be of no charge? Be on the lookout for it as it becomes more widely available.