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Southeastern District Stewardship

According to the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Christian stewardship is the free and joyous activity of God’s family — the church — in managing life’s resources for His purposes. It’s basically how God wants us to live our lives in a biblical way. Christian Stewardship is built on two things—God owns everything, and he created us to take care of it. While we see God as owner, we also see him as a very generous giver.  This helps us define our role as steward for we serve a gracious God whose grace has provided us with Jesus Christ. Too often stewardship becomes synonymous with Tithing.  This muddies the water regarding the concept of stewardship which applies to our time and talents as much as it applies to our treasure. And while 2 Corinthians 9: 6-7 tells us that God loves a cheerful giver, Paul is telling us that we should joyously give of our time, talents, and treasure as we love our neighbor. Kirk Hymes is the Southeastern District Stewardship representative.  He is available to support your stewardship support and training.

Available Resources from the District - Coming soon!

Faithful Stewards of God’s Grace

The three-week stewardship emphasis, Faithful Stewards of God’s Grace, focuses primarily on one Bible verse. “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10).  What a wonderful privilege and honor that the Creator of the universe has bestowed upon us as He has made us stewards of His creation!  All that we are and have been given are by the grace of God.  Through the work of the Holy Spirit, we are equipped and motivated to be Faithful Stewards of God’s Grace.  


Weekly themes:

Week 1:  “Receiving and Using God’s Gifts”

Week 2:  “Serve One Another”

Week 3:  “Good Stewards of God’s Grace”

Living Wisely in an Unwise World

God’s wisdom leads us to be faithful stewards who use our time, talents, and money to His glory.  By God’s grace, we seek His wisdom, which He is eager to provide.  “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, Who gives generously to all without approach, and it will be given him” (James 1:5).


Weekly themes:

Week 1:  “Following God’s Wisdom”

Week 2:  “Using Time Wisely”

Week 3:  “Becoming Money Wise”

Bible Study: Blessed by Grace to Give

It is fitting that this four-part Bible study on giving focuses on chapters eight and nine in 2 Corinthians.  Through the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth, God has given us great wisdom on why and how we as Christians are to give.  This study will discuss the important messages on giving provided in these two chapters.  From Paul, we learn that the ability to give and the heart to give come from the Lord.  Giving is a work of God’s grace in our lives.  When we embrace giving to God through our churches, Christian organizations, missions, and Christian causes, we help to provide funds necessary to help those in need and to extend His kingdom.  Through our giving, God receives the glory that He deserves.  He blesses us to be a blessing to others.

If you are a member of the Southeastern District and would like free access to these resources, please contact Kirk Hymes by using the form below.