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Immeasurably More: A Witness Perspective

Ephesians 3:14-21 extends to each of us an invitation. It beckons us to a grand spiritual adventure, to go beyond the familiar shores and dive deep into the boundless ocean of Christ’s love. 

The expression “Hyperballontos” is derived from the Greek roots “hyper,” meaning “above” or “beyond,” and “ballo,” meaning “to throw” or “to cast.” When combined, the term paints a vivid picture of love that is cast beyond, exceeding all bounds and limits. This isn’t just any kind of love; it’s a love that breaks barriers, transcends limitations, and overflows. 

Paul’s message doesn’t end with the recognition of this boundless love. The “hyperballantos” nature of Christ’s love has a dual action: as it fills us, it also sends us. The same love that draws us into an intimate relationship with Christ thrusts us out with an urgency and a power that’s beyond our natural capacity. Just as a wind scatters seeds to a vast farm and reaches far and wide, the love of Christ in our hearts sends ripples of his goodness to his mission fields beyond what we could ask or imagine. 

When we truly understand and internalize God’s immeasurable love, it transforms us from passive recipients to active witnesses of the gospel. It’s a love that doesn’t allow us to remain complacent. However, it compels us to share it with its depth, breadth, and height. It fuels our mission with a power that’s audacious and boundless. 

Just as Jesus instructed His disciples to be His witnesses “in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8), “hyperballontos” exemplifies the magnitude and extent of our witness response. We are sent out propelled with vigor and intensity by the power of the Holy Spirit among various people groups. And God can abundantly bless our faith exploitation and evangelistic engagements. 

We are filled with such immeasurable grace and power that every fiber of our being is charged. This isn’t just a theoretical concept but a tangible reality to delve deep into the ocean of God’s Word and promises and discover a treasure trove, filled with rich knowledge and wisdom. 

Furthermore, the currents and waves of Christ’s grace lift us to rise transformed together as the unified body of Christ, bearing testament to his immeasurable goodness to boldly share it with all generations and across every segment of the nations. Thus, we find ourselves empowered and discharged into our communities, our cities, and our world, with a message of hope, forgiveness, and boundless love. 

Where are we within the vast expanse of God’s love? Are we lingering at the shoreline, captivated yet hesitant, or have we delved deeper, feeling the pull of His grace? 

Have we mustered the courage to fully immerse, to navigate the depths, trusting the ebb and flow to reveal hidden treasures of wisdom? And once transformed by the gospel’s encounter, are we rising to proclaim and share the profound story of the deep love of Christ with the world? 

The invitation is clear, the mission is set, and the immeasurable love and power of Christ await our timely embrace and missional response. 


Engaging in conversation is a very effective way to share your faith. The most effective conversations begin with listening and understanding the person you are with. Invite someone for coffee and engage in a conversation. Faith conversations take time and patience. 

Invite Someone

One person inviting another person to church, Bible Study, servant events, or similar ideas is very effective. Set a goal of asking someone each week. The worst that can happen is that they say “no.” The best is that they say “yes!”

Start Something

Attending church may not be the first thing someone wants to do as they consider faith life. They may, however, attend a Bible Study in your home or some other type of event that you are hosting. Consider starting something in your community. 

Live Stream

Inviting someone to check out your church, a sermon, or Bible Study online is a non-threatening way to introduce them to your church and your faith community.  Find a live streaming congregation here.


If you have a school, Early Childhood Center, Preschool, or Daycare, the Lord has placed right before you a witnessing opportunity. When churches and schools have a “one ministry” mindset, it can make all the difference.  

  • Invite school families to every event
  • Host coffee and cake at orientation 
  • Be present at their events and speak up
  • Offer the full services of the congregation regardless of membership
  • Invite, invite, invite!
Congregations are using some creative ideas throughout the District:

Congregational Prayer Board

Prayer is one of the easiest ways people can witness their faith. Give people the tools to remember those who need to hear the Gospel by praying. Throughout Lent, names are placed on a board with the following prayer: “Lord, throughout these Lenten days send your Spirit to touch the hearts of these people so that they too may experience the Easter joy that comes through you.”

One4 One

Ask members to commit to praying for five people they know are unchurched. Challenge them to invite one of those five to church within a specific time. 

Halloween Tracts

Members are given tracts to give to children (along with candy) who come to their door.

Jesus is Alive

Members are given posters to display in their homes (in windows) for all to see their Easter joy.

Bumper Stickers

Create bumper stickers with your Church website on them.

Something in Every Room

Congregation members are encouraged to look throughout their homes for items that witness the faith. If there are none, they are encouraged to put something (big or small) in every room (refrigerator magnets).

Thanksgiving Cards

At Thanksgiving, send your neighbors a Thanksgiving card giving thanks for them. Be sure the card includes a prayer and an invitation to a Bible study or a worship service. 

Pentecost Roses

A congregation invites members to purchase roses (in honor or in memory of loved ones) which surround the altar on Pentecost Sunday. They are then encouraged to give those roses to people who are in need of hearing the Gospel. They may also leave the roses and have outreach team members deliver them to people the church knows need to hear the Gospel.

Holiday Invitation

Write a special letter to visitors on holidays from the Pastor. Put the letter on nice letterhead and have the members give the letters to those they know are unchurched. 

Give those Flowers Away

Give members the option to donate their flowers from the altar to shut-ins AND/OR even potential new members.

Welcome New Residents into the Community

Subscribe to a company that will inform you when people move into your community. Send them a welcome letter or even a gift.

Hotels and Timeshares

Ensure your information is current at hotels and timeshares. Meet with the Manager or General Manager and let them know you offer more than worship (the congregation will assist those who are sick, hospitalized, and in any crisis or emergency). 

Get Rid of “Member Only” Events

The grace of Jesus Christ is not exclusive. Begin altering events tailored for “members only” to be outreach opportunities (i.e., church picnic). 


Use your website and social media for the visitor rather than the member.