Southeastern District Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
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Blog: Witness Ambassadors

In the vast mission field of our district, where over 33 million souls reside, many remain untouched by the eternal truths of the Gospel. The call for witness ambassadors—God’s laborers in the harvest—is more pressing than ever.

We are profoundly grateful for the host of laity throughout our diverse landscapes—people from every language, tribe, and nation whom God has placed within our reach (Rev 7:9). They are the backbone of our initiative, enabling the spread of Christ’s redemptive message to a multitude of communities.

Our mission envisions transformed lives and an expanding Kingdom of God. This vision turns into reality as we develop disciples grounded in the Scriptures and entrusted with missional responsibilities.

The Apostle Paul in 2 Cor. 5:17-21 lays out the profound sequence of becoming a new creation, engaging in the ministry of reconciliation, and embracing the role of an ambassador for Christ. He said: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

To live out the ambassadorship is to be perpetually conscious of one’s identity and calling. When one is in Christ, the old life has passed away, making way for something entirely new and vibrant. This rebirth is not a mere change; it is a divine transformation, a complete overhaul of what was into what is—and what is to be. This is the mystical groundwork laid for every believer, a fundamental change that prepares them for their role in God’s plan.

On this premise the ministry of reconciliation takes effect to help us diligently work to restore broken relationships and to bring together what has been separated.

This benevolent service to humanity gains a clearer focus with witness ambassadorship that applies the message of peace and joy representing the risen Christ and His highest authority in heaven and on earth.

In this regard, witness ambassadorship is about engaging the world not merely on the level of its own terms but of the Lord Jesus through the transformative power of the Gospel.

Thus, ambassadors do not merely carry a message in words but demonstrate it in life. They are a bridge between the seen and the unseen, the temporal and the eternal. This bridging role is intensely practical—it involves speaking, serving, loving, and living amongst people—but it is underpinned by a spiritual reality that transcends the ambassador’s own efforts. It is Christ working in and through them, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).

This role is intensely practical, requiring the ambassador to engage in the daily toils and joys of life amongst others, yet always with the consciousness of their identity and calling in Christ. Each act of kindness, gesture of forgiveness, and expression of love, is exercised on earth, yet as a heavenly echo. It is this transformative divine diakonia that propels us into the world not as passive spectators but as active participants in God’s redemptive work.

Overall, a witness ambassador is an emissary who represents Christ Jesus in every aspect of life and shares His saving message with the aspirations of the heavenly home. Even though at times struggles are warrant in the fallen world, the ambassador walks in the authority, mercy and love of the King who laid His life for all and become a visible manifestation of the gospel message in a world that yearns for hope.

The flow from being made a new creation to living as an ambassador for Christ is a journey of both internal transformation and external action. It starts with a divine act that redefines who we are at the core and then moves us outward, into the world, to live out that identity. As witness ambassadors, believers are the nexus between the gospel and the world, the point where the message of God’s love is not only spoken but also seen, touched, and experienced.

We treasure the diverse gifts and experiences of God’s people in our midst—each a precious endowment from the Lord of the harvest (Matt 9:38). Their zeal for sharing the Good News and collective devotion exemplify the Spirit’s transformative work within us, drawing many to repentance and faith in Christ.

Our unwavering commitment is to equip and mobilize witness ambassadors in this divine charge until our Lord’s triumphant return (Matt 28:18-20).


As we embrace this divine commission, let us ponder these questions:

• What does it mean to you to be an ambassador for Christ in a world that is often indifferent or hostile to the Gospel?

• How can the church effectively equip and support its members in their roles as witness ambassadors?

• What are the practical steps you can take to deepen your evangelistic efforts and impact your surroundings for Christ?

• How does the internal transformation of becoming a new creation in Christ empower and shape the external actions of a witness ambassador in daily life and interactions with the world?

• How does the role of reconciliation, inherent in the life of a new creation, integrate into the daily life of a witness ambassador, fostering unity and healing in a divided world?

Let us step forward in faith, embracing our roles as witness ambassadors with zeal, humility, and a firm reliance on the one who calls us to such a time as this.

If your heart resonates with this sacred call, or if you know someone whose evangelistic fervor mirrors the life of a witness ambassador, we warmly invite you to step forward and join hands with Jesus and His followers in this grand mission. Please feel free to contact Rev. Yared Halche.