Wellness Wednesday – “Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart”
During this week of Thanksgiving, this Wellness Wednesday blog will focus on the benefits of an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude affirms the good in our lives and recognizes that the good originates outside of ourselves. Giving thanks, in turn, acknowledges the source of these good blessings in our lives: God. In James 1:17, we are reminded, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
A report in the 2005 edition of the American Psychologist lists the many benefits that come from having a grateful heart:
- Gratefulness increases emotional well-being
- Grateful people achieve more in life
- Grateful people get along better with others
- Grateful people pay it forward by blessing others
- Grateful people are less depressed
- Grateful people are more resilient to trauma
Gratitude has health benefits for our physical wellness as well:
- 15-18% better sleep
- 2X more steps walked per day in coronary patients (high vs. low gratitude)
- 30% less saturated fat in diets
- 23% lower levels of cortisol
- Lower C-reactive protein, meaning less inflammation in the body
- Healthier lipid profiles, related to the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood
Gratitude has the power to heal, energize, and change our lives! Gratitude is not just a switch to turn on when things go well but also a light that shines in the darkness. It all comes down to what you choose to focus on, for what you focus on becomes your reality more and more. If you choose to focus on what’s wrong, what’s not right, and the bad, guess what you will see more and more of in your life. However, when you choose to focus on the good, the positive, and the blessings in your life, the more and more that is what you will see instead. What things are you currently spending time focusing on?
To help you develop a greater attitude of gratitude this Thanksgiving season, take 10 minutes to slow down and recognize the good stuff in your life by reflecting on the below:
- List ten blessings from God that you are thankful for in your life.
- What is one thing you’ve worked hard to achieve?
- What is one thing that’s going well right now?
- List three obstacles you currently face and what you’re learning from them.
- What are two subjects or pursuits you’re passionate about now?
- Who are two people you can count on for a warm hug and/or a kind word?
- What has been the best part of your day?
- What are three things to look forward to in your life?
- What is one reason to smile about the things you’ve just noticed?
- What is one source of joy you’ve discovered or rediscovered in this moment?
- What is one thought to take with you into the next week?
Now that you have identified all these wonderful blessings in your life to be grateful for take some time to give thanks to God for His goodness and love that is freely yours through faith in Christ Jesus – “Give thanks for the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” (1 Chronicles 16:34)