Southeastern District Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
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Blog: Witness Ambassadors

Witness Ambassadors:
What Do They Do?

Outreach Envisioning:
• Assist in developing a strategic outreach vision for congregations and mission teams focusing on community services that aligns with local needs by customizing approach  accordingly.

Mentorship and Coaching
• Establish mentorship or coaching relationship with spiritual and pastoral oversight to leverage support and accountability.

Peer-to-Peer Connections:
• Establish and facilitate peer-to-peer connections and networking that promote personal and missional growth, through relationships and ongoing communications.

Creative Media Outreach:
• Champion innovative and adaptive methods in Gospel dissemination, incorporating media technology, and culturally resonant practices to engage varied audiences. Organize events and activities that appeal to a broad range of groups, ensuring Christ’s message is conveyed compellingly and accessible.

Empowering through Vocation:
• Empower God’s people to effectively engage in their daily vocations by identifying and utilizing their unique gifts, opportunities, and resources, thereby enhancing their impact in various spheres of missional influence.

Ongoing learning
• Encourage a culture of continuous learning among ambassadors through both formal and informal training avenues, fostering a posture of ongoing education and skill development.

Constraint Transformation:
• Motivate congregations and others to creatively address and leverage mainstream ministry challenges, transforming these into opportunities aiming at mission growth and personal development.

Effective Communication:
• Promote the use of effective, clear, and relevant communication methods in daily interactions, ensuring that the message of Christ is conveyed accurately and resonates with contemporary audiences.

• Expand the scope of outreach initiatives, leveraging media and other relevant channels to bolster And extend the demographic reach and grow influence.

If you feel called to be part of this dynamic team of witnesses, to grow in your faith while making a real difference in the lives of others, we want to hear from you. For more information on how you can be involved and to take the next step in this fulfilling journey, please contact Yared Halche at the SED office via email. Join us in this exciting endeavor as we work together to connect people with Jesus.

Witness Ambassadors:
Visual Role Play

Bible Reading:

“He told them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'” (Like 10:2, NIV)


What do you see from the Scripture reading?

Lay Leader 1:

“I am thinking about a harvest…I’ve noticed many families struggling with after-school care. What if we step in? We could offer support with an after-school program that’s infused with faith and fun.”


“An after-school program is a wonderful idea. We could incorporate tutoring, Bible stories, and crafts to engage the kids. We can call it ‘After-School Adventures in Faith’.”

Lay Leader 2:

I’m in! I can help with tutoring. Math was always my strong suit. And we can get creative with Bible story crafts. Ever seen Jonah’s whale made out of a paper cup?”


A paper cup whale? That’s creative! Let’s pray for this program to be a blessing to the families and the children.” [Leads a short prayer]

Lay Leader 1:

This is going to be great. It’s more than just homework help; we’re building a faith community. Plus, we could even try making loaves and fishes out of Play-Doh with the kids!”

Lay Leader 2:

“I can already imagine the Play-Doh fishes! Though, let’s hope they don’t multiply too much – we don’t want a Play-Doh all over the church!”


“Multiply church workers and the harvest, we use Play-Doh as a bridge to connect and teach. Let’s explore together to be the workers in this plentiful harvest.”