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Webinar: Ministry During a National Election

Register Here This Webinar is led by Rev. Dr. Joel D. Biermann who is the Waldemar A. and June Schuette Professor of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Click here to learn more. With the National Election before us, we know that many of you as professional church workers and your churches would benefit […]

Webinar: Treasurer/Stewardship Workshop

Register Here Join us on October 26 at 10 AM for a discussion on treasurers and stewardship, and their vital roles in our churches.

Webinar: Creating a Successful Church and School Partnership

Register Here! Inviting Pastors, Churchs with Schools, and their Principals/Directors to join us during this webinar to learn from other Church-School Partnerships on how to have a successful relationship with one another, sharing resources, ministry, and the Good News of Jesus.