Southeastern District Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
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Copyright Resources from All Workers Conference presentation

Copyright compliance is a major area of responsibility and concern for most church music and creative arts leaders who use copyrighted materials. Obtaining the proper licenses for compliance can often be a confusing, difficult and time-consuming process.

The Southeastern District has partnered with Christian Copyright Solutions (CCS), to help with your copyright compliance.


The Southeastern District has partnered with Christian Copyright Solutions (CCS), to help with your copyright compliance. Anytime you have specific copyright questions you can call their hotline number at 1-855-576-5837 to speak directly with a representative from CCS. CCS has prepared a Fact Sheet – Copyrights 101 to help understand copyrights. Another helpful tool provided by CCS is the 7 Myths about the Religious Service Exemption
If you’d like to ask specific copyright questions, please contact Copyright Solutions directly at 1-855-576-5837.

To receive a 10% discount towards your first year’s licensing fees on CCS’s PERFORMmusic Facilities License and/or the WORSHIPcast Streaming License , use Promo Code: CKLCMS.